Take control of yourGithub reposfaster than ever before.
Gitdash gives you the tools to quickly and easily perform actions on your repositories. Want to get rid of all the forks and test repos you hoarded over the years? This is perfect for you!
Github Dashboard
Enhanced controls to maintain your Github repositories with speed.
Get an overview of your repositories and quickly perform actions that is otherwise takes a long time, requires many steps and can be hard to find.

This is the best way to perform quick actions on all of your repositories.
EditName, description and homepage. Update repo meta data all in one place.
Public/PrivatePublic and private, change visibility of your repo.
ArchiveArchive and unarchive with no need to confirm.
DeleteDelete many repos fast.
Digital spring cleaning
Quickly go through your repositories and archive what you don't need and update what you want to present. Perform actions that otherwise takes a long time with many extra steps. No need to copy/paste the repo path to confirm a simple action like archiving.
Take control over your repos
Gitdash gives you all the tools you need to take control over your Github repos. All actions are gathered in one place for ease and speed.
Frequently asked questions
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Send your question to our email.
- Help, I accidentally deleted the wrong repo! What should i do?
- Dont worry, you can easily restore your repo in your github settings.
- Do you save my data?
- No, everything is done in the client, directly with Github's API.
- Why should I use Gitdash instead of doing this directly on Github?
- You get an overview of all your repos from where you can easily and fast edit their information, delete, archive or unarchive, toggle between private and public, in one convenient place. You can sort and search to quickly find the ones you are looking for. And more awesome features are coming soon!
Ready to get started?Log in with your Github account.
Gitdash is now in public beta! 🎉
Be part of the development of Gitdash by using the website and reporting bugs and providing feedback. You can follow the project on Twitter for regular updates and send feedback via email.
You can use this form to send any feedback or bug reports. If you prefer to use email you can send a message to hello [at] gitdash.dev.
You can also follow the project on Twitter for regular updates.